Privacy Statement
Disclosure of information
A User agrees that any information provided by a User for use in the DrGo App is on a voluntary basis for a User’s eligibility and participation in the Program.
The DrGo App supports iOS’s “Health” app or Android’s Google Fit app, and Users must grant the right under the DrGo App to access the step count data. The step count data collected through iOS “Health” & “Google Fit” are subject to Apple’s and Google’s “Terms and Conditions” and “Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)” respectively. For any mobile device without iOS’ “Health” app or Android’s Google Fit app, we will utilize the built-in step counter inside the DrGo App.
The DrGo App will only synchronize data with single Apple ID or Google account. In case of changing to a new mobile device and resulted in a User’s Program suspension, a User may contact DrGo on its Hotline 2380 2323 or by email for assistance.
It is a User’s responsibility to provide true, accurate and current data. We are not responsible for any missing data incurred by misuse of a User’s mobile device or caused by any other reasons.
Personal Data
This Clause and the “DrGo Privacy Statement” (available on DrGo website: and the DrGo App) provide information on our obligations and policies in relation to the privacy issues associated with the collection, retention, processing or handling of personal data (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong (“Ordinance”)) by us for the purpose of the Program. The “DrGo Privacy Statement” specifically addresses the obligations in respect of the data privacy laws of Hong Kong.
Where our DrGo operations are subject to privacy legislation other than that of Hong Kong, then this Clause shall be applied so far as practicable and consistent with such local legislation.
We require user to consent in order to use user’s personal data for direct marketing purposes. Subject to obtaining User consent, we intend to use User Data (such as user’s name, contact particulars, service usage, registration details, location data and other customer profiling data), for the purpose of direct marketing, including sending to user notices and/or updates about gifts, discounts, privileged offers, benefits and promotions related to the Program as well as other products and/or services relating to TV, telecommunications, over-the-top (OTT) services, content services, mobile voice, SMS and data communications, IDD/roaming, Internet connectivity, cloud services, electronic/mobile payment, entertainment, secretarial services, personal assistant services and information services (such as weather, finance and news information), device accessories, mobile applications and software, computer peripheral, accessories and software (including notebooks, handsets, mobile devices and accessories, keyboards, security installations and mobile applications), reward, loyalty and privilege programs, lifestyle, networking events, travelling, banking, alcohol and tobacco, sports, music, gaming, transportation, household products, food and beverages, finance, insurance, wealth management services and products, pensions, investments, brokering, financial advisory, loan and credit and other financial services and products, betting, education, health and wellness, beauty products and services, fashion and accessories, electronics, social networking, technology, e-commerce, logistics, retail, home and décor, media and high-end consumer products and services.
A User has a right to withdraw the User’s consent to the use of the User’s data for direct marketing purpose (if given) at any time. A User is also entitled to access, correct or enquire about the User’s personal data being held by us. For any such request or for further details on the compliance with the Ordinance and any other privacy legislations, please contact eSmartHealth’s Privacy Compliance Officer by letter to GPO Box 9896, Hong Kong or by email to